
The Transparency Project was created to build a team of strong, dedicated intelligence gathering activists through various training programs focusing on exposing the lack of transparency in the animal industrial complex. These training programs include:


(Open Source Intelligence)

Neurolinguistic Programming


Social Engineering

Human Hacking

Evidentiary Photography

Physical Research


How much does the learning program cost?

R250.00 for the entire course. Please note that spots are limited, there is an application screening process, and there are certain criteria for applying.

This is an online learning program with set deadlines which were set taking into account real life schedules and obligations.

OSINT: this course is a 4 week course broken up into palatable bite size portions. You will need to set aside 2 x 30 minutes (on average) per week in order to complete the course. The first start date is Monday 3 March 2025 and end date is 28 March 2025, with further start dates to follow.

NLP and Social Engineering/Human Hacking:
These two courses are supplemental for those who wish to take their skills further; and will follow after the completion of the OSINT course. The duration, start- and end dates, etc will be announced. These will also be designed to be completed quickly and easily.

Evidentiary Photography; Physical Research; and Legalities: These will take the form of online team/conference call and will take place after the OSINT course has been completed. Dates for these presentations will be coordinated with interested parties at a later date in 2025.

Dedication and commitment and the ability to give up 1 hour to 1 and a half hours per week for a month or two. Basic understanding of the internet (if you can email, browse and navigate social media, you will be fine!).

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Web + Graphic Design by Madeline Mack